Friday, 15 November 2013

Presentation weeks! (Session 11 and 12)

“Wisdom alone is true ambition's aim,
wisdom is the source of virtue and of fame;
obtained with labour, for mankind employed,
and then, when most you share it, best enjoyed.”
- Alfred North Whitehead -

I particularly like the quote above. In other words, you’ll make the biggest difference if you share your wisdom and insights with others. This quote is relevant to the two presentation weeks we have for the last two sessions of the module. By sharing what we learnt and applied to the class, it builds a collaborative setting for one and all to learn from each other J

1.        Futuristic buildings

I really like this group presentation on Futuristic buildings! What a great way to kickstart presentations week with their self-built model to take on the concept of underwater living in the future due to land scarcity, given growing populations. With increasing urbanization, there is undeniably a sacrifice made between the environment and economic growth, leading to the drastic drop in vegetation in the world, which are being replaced by tall skyscrapers and buildings. Therefore, it is a good to restore this by incorporating nature into these futuristic buildings. The group proposed sustainable technologies in these buildings as well. I really like the following two innovations: transparent solar cells and space solar station. Currently, solar panels are usually built on roofs of buildings to capture the maximum amount of light in the day but with transparent solar cells, these cells can be incorporated as a layer outside the windows for example and capture energy without blocking out the view outside. A win-win situation, I must say. Space solar station, which is still undergoing development in Japan is also a useful invention. Currently, solar panels are dependent on the seasonal weather but with Japan’s emerging innovation, this consideration is eliminated. The solar stations which consist of geostationary satellites sitting 36 thousand km above the Earth, would transmit collected energy back down to Earth in the form of laser beams or microwaves. The last point on I want to touch on is underwater living spaces, which is pretty related to Glenda’s individual presentation. I believe that this new living spaces will definitely create a new diversity of jobs underwater. Wave action can also be utilized as a sustainable form of energy to power the spaces underwater. However, one important aspect that needs to be look into is safety. There ought to be comprehensive and feasible plans on how to deal with emergency evacuation for example.

2.        Clean technologies

The group covered a wide scope on clean technologies, covering various renewable energy sources such as biofuels, hydroelectric energy, solar energy and nuclear energy, their advantages and disadvantages, case studies as well as future implications. They also shared on the need for efforts to make to switch from non-renewable energy sources to renewable ones. Generally, I found this pretty similar to the session on energy and world change few weeks before this session.

3.        Nanotechnologies

Nanotechnology is an interesting topic which is pretty related to my individual topic paper on Claytronics! One useful application of nanotechnology is the use in the medical field today. Given that cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths in Singapore, this may be the start of its reversal. Nanoparticles, which are small, are able to penetrate into the outer layer of the skin and into the blood to the specific target cancer cells. This allows the use of nanotechnology for diagnosis and treatment of cancer or even prevents it by detecting the possibility of cancer beforehand. A great technology, with useful applications indeed.

4.        Mind-controlled prosthetics

I believe that the disabled or amputees, are grateful towards such an invention, of mind-controlled prosthetics as it makes life more convenient for them, as by simply thinking of an action, there is no need for the hassle of physically or manually moving the respective parts, but this is made automated just by thought. One relevant area for improvement though, is the need to incorporate the sense of touch and the resulting force exerted. Perhaps, the regulation of the amount of force exerted could be made controllable through use of pressure sensors and linked motors.

5.        Food for the future

After my group presented on transhumanism, the other group proceeded to present on the future of food. They highlighted that even though there is enough food to the global populations today, there persists a problem of unequal distribution of food, which results in the disparity between the rich and the poor, as well as, extreme cases of obesity and malnutrition. This phenomenon relates to food aid and poverty. An interesting point brought up by their group which I find a real problem is the fact that dumping food to the poorer nations such as free, subsidized or cheaper food, actually undercuts local food producers, who cannot compete which this food aid, and therefore, driven out of jobs and into poverty. How paradoxical.

6.        Sex and advertising

The group presented largely on the negative implications of sexual advertising. They include the increase in the acts of violence due to advertisement suggesting sexual violence or rape. I personally find this not directly causational, reason being, I feel that cultural influences plays a higher role in such behaviour as compared to sexual advertisements. Another point was made on body image, where women suffer from eating disorders due to the exposure to advertisements with women of ideal body or ultra-thin physiques. This is a sad phenomenon, where women tend to be influenced by such advertisements and societal ideals and pressures, leading to superficial beauty.

7.        Virtual reality

The last group talked about virtual reality. What an interesting way to introduce the topic on virtual reality through their live demonstration!!! Really enjoyed it J They then continued on the history of virtual reality and augmented reality, which was actually touched on during class for several times, I believe. There are many applications of these realities, but one application that I fancy is the one on telecommunications. Imagine saving all the time and trouble of transport, when project meetings for example, can be held in virtual worlds instead!

Thoroughly enjoyed these two weeks on presentations. Really interesting topics with innovative methods used to interest the class as well! 10/10 for these two weeks! JJJ

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