Thursday, 24 October 2013

Individual topical review; Claytronics

Claytronics - The Human Experience Redefined[1]
Chong Hui Qi (, 1st Year student, Bachelor of Accountancy, Singapore Management University
Executive Summary
This paper examines the potential breakthrough of Claytronics into numerous industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, education and modelling based on the concept of transmissible synthetic reality also known as Pario. This paper will then analyse on the potential positive impacts and drawbacks on its applications, as well as other possible health, environmental and social implications.
1           Introduction
 The Claytronics Project is an on-going research project at Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with Intel Labs Pittsburgh, led by a Carnegie Mellon computer science professor, Professor Seth Goldstein. The team of researchers combined both nanotechnology and telepresence together, to produce Claytronics.
Claytronics is a collection of programmable matter, known as catoms, or claytronic atoms, and they are the basic building blocks of Claytronics. Each catom is capable of receiving electronic instructions, processing information, moving in three-dimensional space relative to other catoms, and adhering to other catoms to maintain a 3D shape. Adhesion could be achieved by magnetism or electrostatic forces. As of 2011, successful trials have been carried out with relatively large-scale catoms that can move relative to one another in two dimensions using electromagnets that can be switched on and off as required. It is anticipated that catoms will be mass-produced at the sub-millimetre and even nanometre scale, allowing collections of millions of catoms to be manipulated, and developing a wide range of applications (Phil Riddel, 2013).
 The focus of this paper is on Pario. Pario pushes the concept of “Virtual Reality” a step further; instead of audio and visual stimulations, it provides an additional physical sensation to our human experience. The data of a physical object or person is captured, encoded and transmitted, to reproduce a replica of its original in terms of shape, appearance and motion etc. such that a conscious mind may or may not be able to distinguish from the experience of actuality. This concept is otherwise known as “Synthetic Reality”, where a user can interact with computer-generated objects as if they were the real thing.
Synthetic reality has significant advantages over current technologies such as virtual and augmented reality (Goldstein and Mowry, 2004). For example, there is no need for the user to use any form of sensory augmentation such as head mounted displays, bionic contact lenses, Google Glass etc. or haptic feedback devices for virtual simulation and will be able to see, touch, or even use the object itself. The invention of Claytronics will arguably revolutionize the lives of man.  
Limitations of paper
It has to be noted that this paper has its limitations which include the lack of specific examples, statistics and analytical evidence to support what were proposed. This stems from the lack of resources as well as open-source information available for reference, especially when “The Claytronics Project” is still an on-going one. In addition, this paper could have covered in greater detail, on the hardware and software of Claytronics, as well as its research challenges faced. Nevertheless, the author has, to the best of her abilities and knowledge, provided her analysis, evaluations and insights throughout the paper.
2           Historical Perspectives 
Emergence of virtual and augmented reality
Synthetic reality is a new platform introduced only in the recent years as compared to virtual and augmented reality which existence dated back in history. The latter two are interlinked in their concepts in a way that each can be viewed as a subset of the other.

Augmented reality is a medium in which digital information is overlaid on the physical world that is in both spatial and temporal registration with the physical world and that is interactive in real time. It is a type of virtual reality where additional information, otherwise imperceptible to the human system is made perceptible and registered with the display of the physical world.

Virtual reality, on the other hand, is a medium composed of interactive computer simulations that sense the position of the participant and replace or augment the feedback to one or more senses – giving the feeling of being immersed in the simulation.

Figure 1. Heilig's Sensorama.  Reproduced from The Ohio State University. (2003)

In the mid-1950s, a visionary cinematographer named Morton Heilig, who was touted as the Father of Virtual Reality, built a single user console named “Sensorama”. It included a stereoscopic display, fans, odour emitters, stereo speakers and a moving chair to stimulate multiple senses, namely, sight, sound, smell and touch, of the user and providing him a visual treat in three dimensions. Subsequently, he proposed an idea for an immersive theatre where three dimensional images will be projected without the aid of special glasses or other devices. The audience would be seated in tiers and the seats would be connected with the film track to provide both stereographic sound and motion sensation. Smells would be created by injecting various odours into the air conditioning system. Unfortunately, Heilig's "full experience" theatre was never built.
In 1961, the next notable invention, also known as “Headsight”, was built by Philco Corporation engineers. This head-mounted display consists of a video screen along with a tracking system, which is linked to a closed circuit camera system. A user could observe a real environment remotely, adjusting the camera angle by turning his head. This technology had been applied in the military field, where pilots for example, are able to train under a simulated environment of flying in the dark. While these devices contributed intellectual ideas for display and virtual experiences, the computer and image generation were yet to be integrated.

Figure 2. “The Ultimate Display”. Reproduced from The Ohio State University. (2003)

In 1965, a computer scientist named Ivan Sutherland followed up by introducing “The Ultimate Display”, where a user can be immersed in a virtual world that would appear as real as the physical world itself. In 1968, with the help of his student, Bob Sproull, Sutherland created the first virtual reality and augmented reality head-mounted display system, named “The Sword of Damocles”. It has a pair of glasses, cathode-ray tubes at the sides, mechanical head tracking as well as sensors suspended from the ceiling. This head-mounted display allows for images to be displayed and coordinated in real time with the changing vision of the user, giving the illusion of depth. With this technology, users are able to manipulate virtual three dimensional objects in a realistic, intuitive manner as well. This invention revolutionized interactivity and was a springboard for many new and emerging applications today.   

       Exploratory engineering
Another alternative point of view towards Claytronics is viewing it as a work of exploratory engineering. K. Eric Drexler describes exploratory engineering as the process of designing and analysing detailed hypothetical models of systems that are not feasible with current technologies or methods, yet seemingly lie within the bounds of what Science considers as possible in the narrowly defined scope of operation of the hypothetical system model. It usually results in paper or video prototypes, or computer models that are as convincing as possible to those that know the relevant science, given the lack of experimental confirmation. In other words, exploratory engineering is the exploration and extrapolation of modern technology.

Others have also positioned exploratory engineering as a solution – one where its putative characteristics and the principles of engineering science have to come hand-in-hand to implement it in our real life. And only when the activity transits from proto-engineering to actual engineering will the success or failure of such an implementation be clear.

Proponents and critics have been debating over Claytronics as a form of exploratory engineering ever since the idea first came out in 2005. It is imperative that we note all these opinions are centred on the concepts of reality – augmented reality, simulated reality, and virtual reality. What really distinguishes between the opinionated visions of proponents and critics is the boundary which would take exploratory engineering out of the realm of mere speculation, defining it as a realistic design activity that is often indiscernible to such critics, and, at the same time, inexpressible by the proponents of exploratory engineering.

Yet both critics and proponents often agree that much of the highly detailed simulation effort in the field may never result in a physical device. Hence, without the practicality means, scientists saw no need for this project on Claytronics. It was only when its founding fathers – Seth Goldstein, associate professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon, and Todd Mowry, Director of the Intel Research Lab-Pittsburgh, were investigating the idea of physicality and the need for physicality in today’s world, where convenience supersedes most of consumers’ priorities that Claytronics began to find its presence in today’s technology.

In summary, the critics contend that while Claytronics is consistent with the laws of science concerning its operation, all it merely does is communicate information in the form of imaginative 3D images – there is still the absence of a path to build the device modelled, providing no evidence that the desired device can be built. Proponents contend that there are so many potential ways to build the desired device that surely at least one of those ways will not display a critical flaw preventing the materialization of Claytronics.

Birth of Claytronics

The birth of Claytronics, according to Seth Goldstein, stems from both inspiration as well as natural evolution from previous research. Before “The Claytronics Project”, Goldstein was researching on molecular computing. In molecular electronics, the essential idea is to influence a computation by changing the shape of molecules as when molecules take up a different shape, they confer different electrical properties. He thought, of reversing the process, and instead, formulate computations that results in the shape-changing molecules. Goldstein developed on this idea and eventually classified these molecules as programmable matter.

What further triggered him to embark on “The Claytronics Project” was the inspiration he drawn from attending a conference hosted by CRA (Computer Research Association) together with Todd Mowry, who was interested in improving communication. Goldstein thought that his idea on programmable matter was an answer to Mowry’s intention, and hence, they proposed to start “The Claytronics Project”, instead of waiting for nanotechnology to come up with a solution (G4TV, 2008).

3           Current Situation
As of 2012, only four catoms have been successfully operated together in three dimensions (Guin, 2012). However, the aim is to have catoms operate on a large-scale basis, in order to put them into useful, practical applications. Colour and texture are also areas to be researched further. As of 2006, researchers have already created a prototype catom that is 44 millimetres in diameter (Wang, 2007). When particles are small enough, it stimulates texture. The goal is to eventually produce catoms that are one or two millimetres in diameter – small enough to produce convincing replicas. It is anticipated that in the long run, the aforementioned challenges will be overcome and three out of the five human senses, namely sight, touch and sound can be achieved.
Claytronics is currently still under on-going research.  
4           Future Considerations
Claytronics is a technology-driven invention, where the growing knowledge in the field of Science, insights and discoveries has led to the invention of this new technology that was inconceivable in the past. Sometimes, supply creates demand, where consumers do not realize they need something until they see or experience it. Claytronics is one example that illustrates this point, where it is able to meet the needs of consumers which were previously unimagined as well as, providing solutions to previously unanticipated problems in certain industries today. In this section, the application of Claytronics will be covered in further detail in the following industries below.
4.1         Telecommunications
The telecommunications industry has changed radically over the years, from the use of smoke signals and drums in prehistoric times, to the use of electrical methods such as the telephone in the 18th century and progressively till today, the use of electronic methods such as the radio, television, internet, computer and mobile networking. However, these forms of communications centralize mainly on either auditory, visual communications or both.
With Pario, the human-to-human communication will completely revolutionize. There will be three platforms, namely auditory, visual and physical touch to interact upon. With the extra factor of touch, communication is made more realistic where one interacts with other computer generated persons as if they were real. Shape, movement, visual appearance, sound, and tactile qualities of each person will be mimicked, just like a replica (Goldstein and Mowry, 2004).
Video-conferencing today is limited to two-dimensional images. In the future, however, Claytronics can be used to transmit three-dimensional images, even if the recipient is considerably far away. Such application is termed as parioconferencing (Goldstein et al., 2009), where virtual meetings can be carried out with the physical presence of the person can be felt. This would be a useful tool especially for large companies such as Multi-National Companies (MNCs), which outsource their businesses to their counterparts overseas. Meetings can be discussed from wherever they are, and they will experience a meeting with their counterparts assembled from millions of catoms and yet be unable to distinguish the difference of synthetic reality from true reality.
Parioconferencing is also beneficial in saving time for those with tight schedules. For instance, ministers can save the time and trouble of travelling across the globe to another country for G8 and G20 Summits meetings.
Parioconferencing can also be viewed as one step further from 3D imaging – think holography, 3D films, and 3D computer graphics. Claytronics goes beyond 3D imaging in a stipulated location. Instead, it allows 3D imaging to be emulated over long distances and additionally, allowing physical interactivity. This is the future; 3D video-conferencing.
4.2         Healthcare
A global trend in the healthcare industry today includes the increasing healthcare needs due to demographic changes, especially the rapidly ageing population in countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, which further increases the strain on the healthcare sector. In Hong Kong for example, the proportion of elders aged 65 and above will double from 1/8 in 2007 to ¼ by 2033. The elderly dependency ratio will rise from 170 in 2007 to 428 in 2033 and the elderly population has an increase in healthcare needs, where an elder will utilize, on average, six times more in-patient care than a person aged below 65.
Figure 3. Projection of total population, elderly population and elderly dependency. Reproduced from World Health Organization (2008)
Figure 4. Average number of public hospital bed days utilized by age (2006). Reproduced from World Health Organization. (2008) 
Such strain on the healthcare sector can be reduced with telemedicine, which can be extended further with Pario to enhance its application. Telemedicine, equipped with Pario, will allow a patient to consult a doctor in a different country or even a different continent, while being able to feel one another’s physical presence with claytronic emulations. Transportation costs, along with the pollution from travel, will be cut and time previously wasted from queuing will be saved, thereby increasing efficiency in the healthcare sector, all these without being short-changed and experiencing anything less compared to a real consultation with the doctor. In fact, mortality rates may possibly lower with this new application, with more timely treatments or surgeries. This can be further extended to third world countries where healthcare standards are relatively lower than that of first world countries, where facilities and equipment are less advanced and doctors and medical personnel are less adequately equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills. However, the affordability of this technology by the third world countries is a cause of concern, which will be further elaborated in the later sections below.
Another possible application in the future would be the increased efficiency and accuracy at which urgent and intricate surgeries are performed. The organs to be performed on can be magnified into claytronic replicas for the surgeon to work on in a physically more open environment. Concurrently, the claytronic replica of the surgeon will mimic the surgeon’s actions and perform the surgery accordingly.  
 4.3         Education
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.”
-Carl Sagan
Even with today’s high-tech gadgets, we should realise that very little methods have touched on the learning platforms of imagination. In fact, this is very important as how one perceives information will ultimately form an image in one’s brain. This is the most basic, yet inevitable way humans learn. Claytronics can thus be the new platform for imagining and more effective and creative learning. With Claytronics, instead of visual drawings or even plain reading, images can be built with catoms and coupled together with visual details and hearing explanations, providing a whole new way to teach and learn. Additionally, it is widely known that learning centres today are centralising their resources on better teaching methods and platforms to reach out to students – with Claytronics, the learning curve would definitely become gentler.
Teleconferencing, coupled with Pario, will possibly revolutionize the classroom setting as well. Professors, in the future, can work from home, cutting transportation costs as well as saving time, without compromising on interactivity and the quality of the lesson delivered.
However, likewise as healthcare, a challenge would be to bring Claytronics to the benefit of those in third world countries who possibly are unable to afford this technology. A possible solution to this is perhaps, to tie up with non-profit organizations with similar goals to improve educational standards in developing countries. One example would be the “One Laptop per Child (OLPC)” Project, supported by the Miami-based One Laptop per Child Association (OLPCF) and the Cambridge-based OLPC Foundation (OLPCF). Funds were raised via the “Give 1 Get 1” Program, where donors received an XO-1 laptop for their own usage and OLPC would send another to a child in a developing country. Currently, this project has benefited many countries across the globe in different continents. Some countries include Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Mexico, Uruguay, Afghanistan, India and Papua New Guinea. Likewise, it is possible to tie up with such non-profit organizations that are willing to invest, and distribute this technology through the ministries of education of these countries, with the goal of improving learning and education standards.
4.4         Modelling
Given its shape-shifting abilities, Claytronics will eliminate the need for excessive consumer products. There will be no need for having a chair, a table, a couch and a bed, when one can have his needs met with Claytronics. Furniture will have double-duty and be able to morph into any form of furniture to adapt to one’s needs accordingly. This goes the same for cell phones. Jason Campbell, a senior researcher at Intel, said in an interview that the Claytronics will change the way people interact with devices such as computers and cell phones in significant ways (Gaudin, 2008). Catoms can be manipulated to create a larger keypad for text messaging, or to expand its video display as needed and when not in used, be commanded to minimize into a small form for easy storage. In addition, because each catom has the ability to store energy, once it is configured, there will not be energy expended when one wants a certain form or shape to remain (G4TV, 2008).They can be personalized as well, with its structure moulded precisely to suit the needs of the user. Self-healing is another property; Claytronics is able to fix scratches and damages should there be any (Damus, 2012). The possibilities are endless. 
With the shape-shifting abilities of Claytronics, product designing for businesses will be made more interactive and productive. For example, the styling of a new car design can be made simultaneously, with product designers in different countries about to see, touch and modify the same model, in terms of shape, colour, length and orientation (Figure 3: Faizi and Sabonis, 2013).
Figure 5. Product designing possibilities, one of the many applications of Claytronics. Reproduced from The Journal of the International Association of Physics Students (2013, July 2)
5           Potential implications
This section will examine the potential health, environmental and social implications (affordability, availability and over-reliance) of Claytronics.
5.1         Health
Claytronics consists of programmable particles which cannot be seen with the naked eye. The extremely small size of catoms means that they can be easily inhaled by humans. Immunity may deteriorate as these foreign particles may cause stresses on phagocytes (white blood cells that ingest and destroy foreign matter), which might lead to inflammation and as a result, weaken the body’s defence against other pathogens. Another issue that is of concern is the possible interference of these non-biodegradable particles with biological processes of the human body should they accumulate in large masses. Also, due to the electronic nature of catoms, with each having electromagnetic communications, humans may face a health threat due to the increased electromagnetic radiation.  
It might be the very first time in history that man can get (physically) sick from a computer virus, few decades down the road (Koks, 2008).
5.2         Environment
Given the small size of catoms, there is a possibility that they are able to get into water supplies or get released into the air during production, especially when these particles are so tiny which renders detection and control a difficult and arduous task. Being non-biodegradable, they will accumulate in the soil or water. Should animals ingest them, the food chain will be disrupted should they suffer or be at risk of health threats.
Another issue of concern would be the disposal of these catoms as waste during faults in production. There is a need for appropriate measures to be implemented to deal with this excess and unwanted waste.
5.3         Social
5.3.1        Affordability
As a highly advanced technology, the cost of manufacturing catoms is high, especially when dealing with large objects or a person which requires millions of catoms operating together. Costs from research and development are likely to be passed down to consumers as well. Moreover, machines involved when operating this technology are also very costly. In fact, perhaps even those with above average income will not be able to afford it.
Governments and companies are probably the only few entities that would be able to afford such equipment at such high costs. Therein lies the problem - If only the rich and powerful are able to afford it, what good can it serve to the general public? Will such a project be sustainable at such high costs? Unless scientists manage to find a way to power up these catoms to serve their purpose in a cheap and affordable way, it is highly unlikely that Claytronics will be affordable to the general public. Ultimately, the question is whether consumers are willing and able to venture into and invest in this technology given its high costs.
Hopefully, the cost of using Claytronics will reduce over the years after the high initial costs in research and development are covered and stabilize in the market in the future. 
5.3.2        Availability
As with accordance to affordability, materials needed to build the machines required to power up catoms must be easily accessible for this project to be sustainable in the long term. However, this remains a puzzle to be solved as the project is still underway, hence machinery required to use Claytronics are not yet finalised.
However, the biggest problem lies with the usage of nanotechnology in Claytronics. It is a plain fact that nanotechnology is not open for usage for the general public. Calls for tighter regulation of nanotechnology have occurred alongside a growing debate related to the human health and safety risks of nanotechnology as well. Thus, use of nanotechnology is definitely limited and this questions the usability of Claytronics.
Moreover, as an advanced technology, not many scientists may possess the knowledge to use machinery to control the catoms; some may even not know of its existence. Hence, only a selected few of scientists involved in the invention process will be skilled enough to use Claytronics. How such knowledge will be disseminated to other scientists will also affect its accessibility. Mass-production of Claytronics is an issue of consideration.
5.3.3        Over-reliance
Claytronics paves a new way of human-computer interaction so real that one may not be able to differentiate it from human-human interaction. Assuming that Claytronics is readily available and affordable to the general public, this marriage between the tangible and intangible brings about many benefits but there is a need to be cautious that such usage on this technology does not extend to over-reliance on it such that the occurrence of authentic human interaction is reduced.
6           Conclusions
In summary, Claytronics will introduce thrilling changes in the lives of man in many major industries across the globe, including healthcare, education, modelling and especially, telecommunications. We need to take precautions, however, in light of the potential drawbacks Claytronics poses. Overall, this field still has much potential which remains to be explored. It would be fascinating to watch how this technology unfolds in the future, where imagination translates to reality. The possibilities are boundless. Claytronics, the human experience redefined indeed.
7           References 

Agneev Guin (2012, June 4-8) Programmable Matter - Claytronics Retrieved from

Brian Wang (2007, May 2) Claytronics: programmable grit, steps toward utility fog Retrieved from
Dennis Koks (2008, December 23) A tangible future with Claytronics Retrieved from
Figure 1. Heilig's Sensorama. The Ohio State University. A Crtical History of Computer Graphics and Animation. (2003) Reproduced from
Figure 2. “The Ultimate Display”. The Ohio State University. A Crtical History of Computer Graphics and Animation. (2003) Reproduced from
Figure 3. Projection of total population, elderly population and elderly dependency. World Health Organization. Your Health Your Life (2008) Retrieved from

Figure 4. Average number of public hospital bed days utilized by age (2006). World Health Organization. Your Health Your Life (2008) Retrieved from

Figure 5. Product designing possibilities, one of the many applications of Claytronics. The Journal of the International Association of Physics Students. Claytronics: from Atoms to Catoms (2013, July 2) Retrieved from
Food and Health Bureau (2008, March) Your Health Your Life Retrieved from

G4TV (2008, February 4) Exclusive: Interview with Claytronics Project Lead Retrieved from

Phil Riddel (2013, September 25) What is Claytronics? Retrieved from

Nostril Damus (2012) Claytronics are revolutionising consumer products Retrieved from

Seth Copen Goldstein and Todd Mowry (2004) Claytronics: A Scalable Basis For Future Robots Retrieved from

Seth Copen Goldstein and Todd Mowry (2004) Claytronics: An Instance of Programmable Matter Retrieved from

Seth C. Goldstein, Todd C. Mowry, Jason D. Campbell, Michael P. Ashley-Rollman, Michael De Rosa, Stanislav Funiak, James F. Hoburg, Mustafa E. Karagozler, Brian Kirby, Peter Lee, Padmanabhan Pillai, J. Robert Reid, Daniel D. Stancil, and Michael P. Weller (2009) Beyond Audio and Video: Using Claytronics to Enable Pario Retrieved from

Sharon Gaudin (2008, August 30) Intel sees future with shape-shifting humanoid robots Retrieved from

[1] This paper was reviewed by Lwee Yong Xin Michael and Suherman Kartika Sari.

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